Monthly Archives: November 2017

My High Energy Day

Some days I wake up I can feel my heart race inside my chest, my hands shake, and my eyes darting around the room like there’s too much to see…. Read more »

Poem: Shadowed

I can be alone with myself if I’m a shadow Consisting only of the absence of light In two dimensions I’m not layered or complex, I don’t have a beating… Read more »

Poem: Thanksgiving

I’m alone Maybe I have someone to call, someone tell, someone who cares But I don’t feel it I feel cold, rejected, doomed I want to cry out why, but… Read more »

Poem: Dont Die

Don’t die This isn’t the end It’s a movie Hold on The plot will twist My eyes are still open Still watching You’ll float down From the sky Not fall… Read more »

His Last Goodbye

Recently, I started using Twitter. It has taken me an embarrassingly long time to figure out how it works, and to be honest I’m still not entirely sure. I was… Read more »

What is Working on Myself?

A couple days ago in process group, the discussion turned to relationships, past and present, and how to navigate them. The common thread of the group was the term “working… Read more »

Sobriety: Day 365

November 7th, 2016, I rolled out of bed and grabbed some Tylenol for my throbbing headache. Hungover wasn’t strange anymore, it was expected. A perpetual alarm clock, waking me up… Read more »

Can You See the Cobwebs?

I find sometimes that my brain feels dusty, almost like it’s been sitting stagnant for too long. Maybe I can’t remember what someone’s face looks like, even if I’ve seen… Read more »