Monthly Archives: December 2017

Mental Health in 2018

Every now and then, the twitter world will get me thinking. Today, people were posting what they want mental health care to look like in 2018. So instead of reflecting… Read more »

It’s Okay

A few weeks ago, in a therapy group, we were asked to go around the room and talk about holiday traditions. What were we looking forward to this season? I… Read more »


Today I’m trying to find happiness, and hope, but all I can see is rejection. Rejection sweeps my feet off the ground, steals my breath away. Rejection makes me feel… Read more »

Poem: It’s You, I Know

Don’t be leaves, please I beg every whispered noise Floating through my weeded garden You’re here, aren’t you? Trudging up the steep stone steps It’s you I know Not wind,… Read more »

My Little Lies

When I was a young kid, probably around five or six, I came home after school every day with my babysitter. She had grey wispy hair and a quiet demeanor…. Read more »