Weekly Randomness 12/8

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My random thoughts this week:


1. It’s snowing!

2. Snow reminds me of my dad, which is bittersweet. I miss him.

3. When a job interview is less than fifteen minutes, is that bad?

4. I hate lying, I want to be honest about every single thing I think and do. It’s sad to realize that I can’t.

5, I hate when laundry comes out of the dryer sort of damp and I don’t have time to keep it running longer.

6. I’m moving out of my treatment center in two weeks and I couldn’t be more nervous.

7. I spend every day in fear of becoming manic again.

8. I hate that closed in, trapped feeling that snowstorms can bring.

9. Are people reading this blog? If so, what do you think? I think it’s pretty fabulous.

10. I need to stop avoiding highways when I drive, I got lost on a curvy mountain road in the dark the other night.