Poem: It’s You, I Know

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Don’t be leaves, please

I beg every whispered noise

Floating through my weeded garden

You’re here, aren’t you?

Trudging up the steep stone steps

It’s you

I know

Not wind, the rustle of a startled deer, an airplane in the sky

You’ll knock, I know


It will be like yesterday

Don’t you remember?

You didn’t forget, I am sure

I can’t think, why did you go to that park?

It wasn’t to leave me, I know

To clear your mind, let the brisk air blow away your fears like people often do

You stayed too long though, forgot to call home

Eyes closed

Thoughts ceased

Breaths faded

You’re the one who taught me to smile, wrote the laughter into my eyes, spun the stories into my dreams, soft like sugar

Don’t be trees, please

You’re here, aren’t you

I know

I need you to be