Weekly Randomness 12/22

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1. How is it almost 2018?

2. I wrote a poem this week, but I won’t jump to the conclusion that my writer’s block is gone.

3. Moving is harder emotionally than I thought it would be.

4. It doesn’t feel like the right time to start dating, but part of me wants to.

5. My favorite holiday present thus far has been the magnifying glass I got during secret Santa.

6. What color comforter should I buy for my new room?

7. My doctor told me that I can slowly start eating gluten and dairy again, so I think I’ll just eat ten cheeseburgers.

8. For the first time in a year or so, I own a full length mirror.

9. I need to find a nice sunny spot for my terrarium. It’s the only plant I’ve been able to keep alive for more than a month.

10. There are way too many shades of red lipstick.