Holiday Gratitude

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Holiday Gratitude: What am I grateful for this year?

1. The people I’ve met, I have found new friendships, and learned from others.

2. Sobriety, which has given me the ability to think clearly and believe in myself.

3. Newfound motivation, I trust myself to make decisions and I stand by them.

4. Art and writing. Creative expression has become essential to my recovery.

5. My family – you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.

6. My friends, for their unconditional support and love.

7. My therapists, doctors, and other treatment providers. Without them, I would be nowhere.

8. Laughter, which will always light up my life.

9. You awesome blog reading people! I appreciate the support.

10. Myself – for fighting through adversity, thwarting belligerence, and finding strength.


What are you all grateful for this holiday season?