Weekly Randomness 1/5/18

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My random thoughts of the week, and it’s been a long week:

1. Sometimes I don’t know why I write, and I’m trying to be positive but being positive can be exhausting.

2. I am a little bit obsessed with play-dough and I’m not sure why.

3. This week I peeled and cubed a squash, which wasn’t quite as hard as it sounds.

4. My New Year’s Eve plans got foiled because my city turned into an ice rink, so I ended up staying home, researching cookbooks and going to bed early.

5. Sometimes the answer is just to adjust your expectations.

6. Why was there never an i-phone 9?

7. Next time, when someone asks my what music I listen to I’m just going to say “spotify.”

8. Today I’m going to a yoga class with my friend, with didgeridoo music. I’m not sure that I’ve ever heard didgeridoo music.

9. Update on the dating: I made an account, got nervous and deleted it.

10. I may just not open emails from literary journals anymore. Rejection hurts.