Weekly Randomness 1/12/18

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Random thoughts of the week:


1. I hate grocery stores.

2. This week I nearly had a panic attack trying to find a spot at the gas station, and I’m not exaggerating.

3. It’s hard to say no, and even harder when that means you might upset people you care about.

4. Sometimes I wonder if people think that I’m using my story for attention. I’m not, I am using it to make a difference.

5. Right now I’m battling the urge to make freezer waffles because I know that I need to sleep.

6. When dreams come true, sometimes I wonder if I’m still sleeping.

7. I’ve become amazing at hand washing dishes. I hope they’re actually clean.

8. Recently my thoughts have been so loud that I can’t hear those around me.

9. Have you ever had that feeling where you’re not sure who you told something to? And then you don’t want to be repetitive but you want to discuss it?

10. The Princess Diaries is an amazing film. I am not being sarcastic. Go watch it.